Thursday, January 07, 2010

Ultra soft on crime: ultra soft on the causes of crime!

'Labour's £100 million drive to reduce youth crime and yobbery has made things worse rather than better for the victims, a Government survey has found.It said that for more than a quarter of people living in districts blighted by anti-social behaviour, crime and disruption believe it has actually deepened and spread.
Nearly half say that nothing has changed since the introduction of the ambitious Youth Crime Action Plan two years ago. Fewer than one in five, the report found, believe that thuggery, vandalism and thievery have gone down.These are fashionable with academics and social workers but their value is unproven and they cost £50,000 for every family that behaves better after long hours of official help.The survey carried out among 2,750 people living in the 69 target areas said that 48 per cent said their neighbourhood was no different over the past year. More than a quarter, 27 per cent, said crime and anti-social behaviour had gone up.Only 19 per cent said it had gone down, and six per cent did not know.'

As ever, liberal-left solutions to crime FAIL and dismally!

Now let me see. Where was there a clear prediction that this course of action would be useless? - Oh, yes. It was THIS Blog!

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