Thursday, January 14, 2010

Proof? - Oh, yes!

I recently read some supercilious clever clogs making the 'point' that you can no more prove the existence of God by reading The Bible than by reading 'The Lord of The Rings' can you prove the existence of orcs, elves or hobbits.
Sounds logical? Sounds impressive? Sounds convincing?
Well, as an argument it is extremely poor. You are not comparing like with like!
I am living proof. I discovered that if you study the Scriptures, it is as good as anywhere to find God - and probably considerably better than virtually anywhere else. The 'hand of God' is felt throughout.
Anybody who has read the literature of other religions will find the claims are hollow, artificial and filled with a kind of faux sagesse. They are utterly unconvincing. The reality of The New Testament; the clarity; the Truth just leap out at you. At no point do you find the artificial.
It is told straight down the line - good, bad and sometimes faithless. It is never afraid to point out the weaknesses of 'Bible heroes'. The honesty simply grabs you.
The Bible invites you 'to seek in order to find'. It is a fair promise - and it works.
All openhearted people who do this will find the Living Jesus.
