Sunday, August 01, 2010

Blame will be apportioned but ...

Billy Bloggs has been found out. He has wrecked his marriage by going to pole dancing clubs; by downloading porn; by consorting with prostitutes and by committing adultery.
Whether against a secular or a Christian background, he will be blamed and big style. Rightly so.

The put upon Wilhemina Bloggs receives much sympathy; is clearly the injured party; has been profoundly wronged and looks as if butter wouldn't melt.
The problem here is that Wilhemina has forgotten her marriage vows which are largely based on sex and has shunned the words of the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 7 which orders Christian couples to have sex - and regularly.
This is the bit that we do not usually get to see. 'You cannot see inside a marriage'.

Billy gets all the blame but is it right that he should?

[Of course, the genders can be reversed in this illustration - all humans have a libido to a greater or lesser extent.]
