Monday, August 23, 2010


Amazing! The leftwing Demos 'think'tank has concluded that Labour was damaged by their immigration policies during the last election. They have also spotted that it is dark at night and light during the day.
What is unstated - and perhaps even more startling - is that surprisingly few voters seemed to have recognised that Lib Dem policies are even more extreme. Tory history on immigration has always been poor and the clues were in place that this was not going to improve - and it hasn't!

You really MUST read the Green manifesto on this matter. It is horrendous!

Never forget that the vast majority of the immigration problem is a direct cause of our membership of the European Union!

God’s Love and Ours. 1 John 4.

God’s Love and Ours. 7)  Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows G...