Monday, August 02, 2010

God forgives SIN.

Human beings who commit wrongs are answerable to both God and Man.
Wrongs against God are called 'sins' and wrongs against society are called 'crimes'.
We are answerable to society for crimes and generally, there should be no avoidance of punishments geared 'to fit the crime'.
Most but not all of 'crimes' are also 'sins'. Consequently, we are answerable TWICE for the same action.
God punishes sin.
However, sins, whether crimes in themselves or not can be forgiven with repentance and accepting the sacrifice of God the Son as our own.
I just wish that this were taught a little better in churches.


It is right and proper that Christians should lend support to the punishment of crime. Without this, a society cannot hope to be 'righteous' which is a basic requirement that God has of us.
The OT majors more on this element and the NT more on the actions of the individual - but overlaps are not clean cut.
