Sunday, August 15, 2010


So, Yorkshire Forward - a quisling organisation to Brussels if there ever was one - is now teaching British businesses how better to kowtow to the rabid EU where advertising the 'evil empire' is concerned.
This is against a backcloth of businesses which have received EU funding - a scam with strings - having been fined £150 million for not promoting the EU cause with the traitor's flag on most of their products.

The only good piece of news here is that this government is committed to the abolition of Yorkshire Forward. (Clearly, Mr Cameron had not realised that this is such a pro EU organisation or he would have put money into it rather than close it down!)
I would not ordinarily advocate breaking the law but anybody who hauled down that foul symbol of shame wherever they saw it and set it alight would earn my full support. I might even pay their fines for them!
