Monday, August 02, 2010

New government: marks out of ten.

Three months on:-
The new government overall gets a boost to 3/10 - largely for not being Labour.
George Osborne is streets preferable to his predecessor and consequently it is a shame that he should drop to a meagre 4/10 - because of his failings where banker bonuses are concerned and because he has cut savers adrift. (Government-owned bank NS&I withdrew both its index-linked and fixed-rate tax-free savings certificates this week.)

Theresa May - achieves no more than 3/10 in spite of abandoning the wretched ASBOs - she is dragged down by her close association with Ken Clarke.
Clarke himself gains nothing. 0/10. I cannot find a single redeeming feature and indeed must admit that even the truly dreadful Straw was actually better.
William Hague who is far and away the best of the tory bunch has done himself few favours by demonstrating an embarrassing loyalty to the appalling Cameron and by being associated with some real Cameron 'clangers' - notably where Turkey and Pakistan are concerned. 3/10 seems generous but I know that there is a worthy politician in there somewhere.
Ian Duncan-Smith seems to be on top of his brief and may well ultimately bring a modicum of credit to this appalling administration - s0 - 7/10
Cameron&Clegg get a generous 1/10 for getting on together well enough to avert total catastrophe - I am supposing here that having any government beats having none.
I have resisted talking about policy in this piece - there is plenty of time for that as our worst fears unfold!
