Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Baroness Ashton.

The truly appalling Baroness Ashton - who is busy beavering away in Brussels in order to undermine and indeed, destroy our nation - has other qualities which are even less endearing. She recently stated "It is not politically correct to use the word Christian." I can assure readers that this was not her criticism of the current situation but rather an endorsement of it.

This woman represents us all and with an estimated minimum of 32.4 million people in the UK who would, nominally at the very least, call themselves 'Christian' - such egregious attitudes must not go unchallenged. Moreover, I have a list of such people for whom I pray regularly and specifically. Perhaps I should consider adding her name to that list. Others should also pray for her salvation. Source: Christian Soldiers - UKIP.

Learning From Joseph.