Sunday, May 29, 2011

Failing our Youth.

It is not my fault. It really isn't! No - honestly, I can, hand on heart, say that I have done my best on this. Ne'er point a finger of blame at me. I get a great deal wrong - even so this ain't one of those things.
But by casual voting and by not finding out about all the crucial issues before any ballot, this nation has put politicians in place who are philosophically unfit to run the proverbial whelk stall. This liberal elite is now firmly ensconced with seemingly little prospect of ever being able to shift 'them as 'oo know best'.
I have not voted for those politicians who have been systematically destroying our society and instead have tried to persuade people to alternatives.
Let us consider what the LibLabCon & Greens represent and the (sometimes unintended) consequences of their actions:

We have the worst youth unemployment in history.
We have saddled them with national debt for their entire lives.
We have made it impossible for them to get onto the 'housing ladder'.
We have ensured that they will have no pension at least til they are 70.
We have despiritualised them with our multifaith claptrap and inherent atheism.
We have pretended that all university qualifications are valuable - irrespective of course and well-evidenced dumbing down.
We have saddled these students with personal debts that they may never be able to pay off.
We have handed their future jobs to immigrants.
We have taught them 'summat for nowt' ideas.
We have taught them that 'practical considerations trump morality'.
We have taught them that 'if it itches you must scratch it' world views.
We have left them a society riven by crime.
We have awarded them a much lower living standard than we possess.
We have removed hope!
AND - much, much more! So much more.

We have failed them and - BIG STYLE!

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?