Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Where I stand politically.

For the benefit of new readers who have not yet fully worked out my political stance - here is a clue - or three.
Although I am right of centre, that is not the main point. I am mainly defined by what I am not which makes me anti-leftwing. I am hard pressed to find a single major item over the last 50 years where the left has done anything leftie which has helped our nation.
I am further defined by what I am not when I state that I have no love of the conservative party which is in hock to the wealthy and the liberal elite.
It is sometimes just possible to detect on this Blog that I am not exactly the world's greatest fan of political correctness, cults, junk science, new age and liberal christianity.
The hard right - BNP et al - appall me as I just do not understand racism -  which in any case, I prefer to see as 'tribalism'.
I do not care for those do-gooders who are guaranteed to make any situation worse and my hatreds are reserved for the European Union.
I like people to 'talk straight' and support 'people power'  - true, limitless democracy.
PS. I vote UKIP and in the USA would almost certainly support The Tea Party.
PPS. I try hard, and not always successfully, to live by Gospel precepts!

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