Thursday, May 26, 2011

MITK produces the goods - again.

At a college in a certain English city, our intrepid reporter, Mole-in-the-Know, yesterday discovered that on a mechanics course for students in their late teens, only 8% of these are currently able to find the vital work placements which will allow them to qualify.
Delving ever deeper, our trusty mole has also discovered why this is the case.
Qualified Eastern European immigrants are working for minimum wage or less across the said city.
When an employer is having to part fund the trainees, the difference between this sum and what he is paying to skilled immigrant workers is so small that his choice will inevitably be to choose the already experienced person. Not only does this make financial sense - it also creates considerably less hassle for him.
Thanks are due to: the EU; The Schengen Agreement; Ted Heath; The Labour Party; The Conservative Party and a wide variety of quisling politicians who have encouraged the sell-off of our nation to Brussels!
(Only the Lib Dems cannot really be blamed as they have always desperately wanted to be part of the sellout but have never had sufficient power or influence to be party to the calculated destruction of the UK.)

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?