Sunday, May 22, 2011

Whitewashed walls.

'Whitewashed walls', 'robbers', 'hypocrites', 'nests of vipers'. Hmm. Apostles and Jesus Himself were never mealy-mouthed in their attacks.
When on a personal level, there was a tendency to be less abrupt but nonetheless far more direct than the Church today.
I have been criticised for occasionally getting personal and using words such as 'buffoon'.
(Such critics would surely go apoplectic then, for me describing Mugabe as 'evil', which is considerably stronger.)
This Blog does not exist as a game. Never has our society deteriorated at such a pace as is happening in this generation. There are people whose beliefs and undemocratic actions are bringing us to our knees.
We cannot just sit back and nod benignly at their destructive actions - we must do everything to expose them and their methods.
If that means lampooning them - then so be it. Talking to them one to one you can attempt to bring them into The Kingdom. From a distance, your attacks on them are as much attacks on what they represent as they are on them as human beings.
I pray daily for all who are destroying us. I suspect that my critics are massively outnumbered by those who support this Blog - who are on the increase - but in any case - we cannot just sit around making 'tut tut' noises.
We are certainly in a spiritual wilderness - I believe that we must 'cry out'! We cannot maintain a nicey, nicey Faith just because that method does not ruffle feathers and leaves us in our comfort zones.
Do we honestly believe that Christ did not 'ruffle feathers'?

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?