Saturday, May 14, 2011

You just gotta be fairminded!

Well. I actually feel sorry for Nick Clegg. - There. I've said it!

I know he is a man for whom I have zero respect on so many different levels and I accept that many of my readers will have had an attack of 'the vapours' and be in need of smelling salts upon reading these words BUT he has been unfairly pilloried. He has been classed by many in the same bracket as if he were the government when he clearly is not. He is merely the very junior partner in a coalition. His detractors are sorely misguided.
Now if he had been put on the rack (literally or otherwise) for the policies that he does embrace I would have been delighted to join in, in giving the man a good kicking. (Literally or otherwise.)

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?