Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Support Carl Turner MP.

Labour MP Carl Turner is trying to get dangerous drivers jailed for proper terms.
Well done to the man! Sensible people always get credit on this Blog!

As a Chairman of The Bench I was in the middle of these matters for a good number of years.

Careless Driving = a mistake - even a bad one and should rarely merit prison. (Not possible in my day as a JP, anyway.)
With hand on heart- even where this causes death I would hardly ever want to see prison for an error unless there were significant exacerbating factors.
Dangerous driving is a whole different ball game and should always result in imprisonment and at a very high level.
Indeed - having seen the police chases of TWOCers on TV, I would impose a minimum penalty of five years for anybody trying to outrun a police car. Too many people have lives endangered. Maximum penalties should be very high indeed!
I once taught a pupil who went on as a man to kill SIX people in a crash driving when disqualified and heavily drunk, wrong side of the road. The judge gave him 15 years and this was considered technically wrong and reduced on appeal - out in five??
Dangerous drivers are evil and MUST be heavily punished.
Recklessness is where it all starts to get rather tricky.

The CofE Is Demonstrably Wrong.

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