Thursday, June 16, 2011


I have just been listening to a Rabbi on a radio God-slot. He was most puzzled as to how 'God's chosen people' should have been subject to so much persecution over years.
With a truly heavy heart, I should like to explain to him. Before the decision was taken to crucify Jesus, the members of the Sanhedrin - as representatives of the Jewish people stated:
"Let his blood be on us and on our children!" Matthew 27:25. NIV.
They awaited their Messiah for countless generations: the one 'anointed by God'; the one promised by God; the new covenant; indeed the Saviour as described in Exodus when God stated that 'HE HIMSELF would save His people.'
So when the Messiah arrived - they killed Him and called this curse onto the heads of the Jewish people.
Note also the Parable of The Tenants.

Labour's Knife Plan Is Doomed To Fail!

  Okay. Stopping the sale of swords, kukris etc would make some minute difference but Labour are not even doing a fraction of what is needed...