Friday, June 24, 2011

Fascism Is Always Nasty - Irrespective Of Source.

We have already considered on this Blog the leftwing base of fascism - its roots actually beginning with the Italian National Syndicalists in the aftermath of World War One.

Yet - it is all too often portrayed as being of the right. To a limited extent that is true, nonetheless - part of the capitalist right - it certainly isn't!
For example, extreme tories are seldom anywhere near to being fascist and are never 'just a step away from being BNP' whose members tend to be taken largely from Labour voters.
Control freaks of any hue lurch mightily towards the fascist direction. Consider how naturally, the term 'health fascism' has entered the language to describe a certain type of overweening authoritarianism.
Fascism is actually extreme centralism with 'anti-many things' added. It favours a 'a beyond criticism', nationalist leadership which is authoritarian by nature.
Fascists tend to dislike a good 90% of things despised by the left. But do be careful - leftists will liberally and fancifully hurl the insult 'fascist' at anybody who dares to disagree with them.
The relatively new term 'liberal fascism' is well named as the authoritarian liberal left try to force and mould people into their ways of thinking via persecution and anti-democratic measures.
A dreadful, imperialistic philosophy - nearly as bad as socialism/marxism.

Labour's Knife Plan Is Doomed To Fail!

  Okay. Stopping the sale of swords, kukris etc would make some minute difference but Labour are not even doing a fraction of what is needed...