Saturday, June 25, 2011

I Derive Absolutely NO Pleasure For Having Been So Very Right.

A leader in the Guardian has argued: “Economically, socially and now politically, the status quo is unsustainable. Instead of postponing the inevitable Greek default, it would be far smarter to prepare for it.”

Ah, yes. That will be the same pro-EU Guardian - the same pro-euro Guardian, will it not?

Meanwhile ....
In the rather more sensible Le Figaro, Gérard Lafay, Jacques Sapir and Philippe Villin argue: “The time has come for European politicians to face reality: the euro is dying; it needs to be finished off quickly in order to save the Europeans. But it seems appropriate to do it all together in order to avoid a deadly ‘every man for himself’ scenario…For France, the benefits of [eurozone] exit will be immense.”

Labour's Knife Plan Is Doomed To Fail!

  Okay. Stopping the sale of swords, kukris etc would make some minute difference but Labour are not even doing a fraction of what is needed...