Sunday, June 19, 2011

Peter Hitchens Broadens The Debate on Euthanasia.

'There's only one suicide I would cheerfully assist. If the Tory Party wants to go to Zurich and end it all, I will accompany it, hold its hand, help it swallow a cocktail of poison, refuse its pleas for water at the last moment (for its own good, of course) and listen to its death gurgles. It would be a mercy.

But the Tory Party is just a rather slippery and dishonest organisation. There’s nothing immoral about pushing it gently but firmly through the dark door marked ‘Exit’.
In fact I’d have fewer qualms about that than I would about putting down an elderly guinea pig.
Any human being, by contrast, is immensely, uniquely valuable. We cannot kill our fellow creatures, except under very special circumstances of self-defence or deterrent justice.'
Read more:
I do have an ethical problem with Peter's view. It is NOT evenhanded nor is it inclusive. Could it not have mentioned Labour, The Lib Dems, Greens and BNP? -After all, each of these parties is dedicated to damaging policies of either leftist or, in the latter case, rightist, national self destruction.

Labour's Knife Plan Is Doomed To Fail!

  Okay. Stopping the sale of swords, kukris etc would make some minute difference but Labour are not even doing a fraction of what is needed...