Thursday, June 23, 2011

No Win - No Fee.

The evil created by 'No Win, No Fee lawyers' has been immeasurable.
They have turned us into 'a litigious society'.
And yet for some, these are the only path to getting justice.
There is a simple solution to this problem. Weeding out the 'vexatious' cases is not too difficult. If such lawyers lose a case under such circumstances  - the judge should fine the lawyers heavily. (Note how this links to the earlier post about 85% of immigration cases being unjustifiable.) Of course, the judges who are lawyers themselves should not be given too much discretion. Many fines should be mandatory!

Labour's Knife Plan Is Doomed To Fail!

  Okay. Stopping the sale of swords, kukris etc would make some minute difference but Labour are not even doing a fraction of what is needed...