Sunday, June 26, 2011

Gay, Celibate Bishops?

'The Church of England is set to approve the appointment of openly gay bishops, providing that they are celibate.' - Guardian.

Now this is a tricky one for evangelicals to deal with. Naturally,  I should be able to say 'christians' but where the extreme 'liberal wing' is concerned, pardon me for suggesting that taking a 'man knows better than God' view - they may not be classed as believers in any realistic sense at all. Furthermore, this is clearly 'a thin end of the wedge tactic'.
If a bishop has a close, non-sexual friendship with another man - what is that? - Might I suggest that proclaiming it as 'gay celibate' is most unhelpful. The reason for this is that it is lending support to a 'gay agenda' which has no place in the Church of God as is made abundantly clear throughout The Scriptures.
Why are true believers so appalled by the integration of homosexuality into God's Church? Homosexuality is roundly condemned in both testaments. That should be clear enough, shouldn't it? - No? Well then let us consider the 'institution of marriage'. Yet again, it is made most clear that this is the only place for sexual intercourse and in Mark 10 et al, it could not be made clearer that this is referring to between a man and a woman.
It becomes more profound when we consider the symbolic nature of matrimony - it mirrors the vital relationship between Christ The Bridegroom and His spouse - The Church. (It is most unwise to go against God's plan. Sodom and Gomorrah found this out to their cost and it is foolishness of the worst kind to assume that God will not judge the earth.)
Returning to the main issue here, those in the Church who feel inclined towards homosexuality have no option other than to accept that such an attitude is in fact, 'an inclination towards sin' and it must therefore not be presented in any way seen to be 'having an agenda'.
Celibate bishops who are inclined towards homosexuality SHOULD be appointed but equally if it be found that they are not adhering to this - these should be removed forthwith from their post - but heaven alone knows where this would take us where employment tribunals are concerned!
I ADMIRE those members of The Church who put their sexual orientation to one side in order to be obedient to God. RESPECT!

Labour's Knife Plan Is Doomed To Fail!

  Okay. Stopping the sale of swords, kukris etc would make some minute difference but Labour are not even doing a fraction of what is needed...