Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Mardy Lib Dems PROVE That Democracy Is Not 'Their Thing'.

The prospect of the Conservatives being able to form a majority government after the next election have been dealt a damaging blow.
Speaking on Monday afternoon Nick Clegg said the Lib Dems would vote down plans to re-draw the electoral map in revenge for Tory MPs blocking House of Lords reform.
This has been on the cards for some time and is simply disgraceful.
They have malevolently linked House Of Lords reform, which is high on their agenda, to the Tory desire to make electoral boundaries fairer.
This is the excuse they have been looking for to undermine a straightforward process to make the political map more equitable AFTER having received their silly referendum on AV voting.
They have already been 'paid' for this to go through on the nod and are now reneging.
House of Lords reform is NOT a 'straightforward process' at all!
They are being disingenuous in the extreme and always intended this outcome, in my view.
The boundary changes would indeed return more seats to the tories, not from any form of gerrymandering but because the present boundaries are an abomination.
I really do not care whether the tories have more seats or fewer - but I recognise the sordid end of self-serving politicking when I see it.

(Footnote: 'Mardy' is a term used much in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire and means 'sulky, awkward and petulant.')

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