Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Single Issue UKIP?

It has started again. As I pootled about a number of newspapers - mainly of the left but not entirely - there it is! "UKIP is just 'a single issue party' - nothing more."
In the history of politics, has there ever been a party more misrepresented? - The simple reason is that the LibLabCon are scared stiff of us!
In addition to this, we have been declared 'racist' by political enemies.
We have been labelled 'fruitcakes' - not to mention 'gadflies'.
We have been labelled 'liars' when we warned about where The Eurozone would lead.
We have been accused of 'wanting to join the EU gravy train' because we have the only MEPs representing British interests in the European Parliament.
We have been called 'a wasted vote'.
And so it goes on. The good thing is that hordes of people are now beginning to see through all this flibber flubber!

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?
