Saturday, August 04, 2012

Tim Mickleburgh Writing In The Yorkshire Post.

'At the same time however, I don’t see why we shouldn’t expect those with private resources to contribute towards their upkeep, rather than have nest eggs put aside to pass on to the next generation. For they are fortunate to have this extra money, which many pensioners employed in low-paid jobs with no private pensions before the minimum wage didn’t have the opportunity to amass.'
The key word in his presentation is 'fortunate'. Undeniably, in some cases, this contains an element of truth but it is what is not stated which is far more important.
His system perpetuates those socialist ideas which simply do not care one jot about those who have lived carefully and frugally as opposed to those who have lived profligate lives.
This distinction matters a great deal. Under his system people are encouraged to spend up as many as their funds as they can.
These monies, by the vast majority, have been honestly earned and have already been subjected to taxation. Now there's the rub! It is simply immoral. The word 'contribution' is a weasel word. These things always result in out and out plunder!
Such a system encourages greater dependence on the state - not less - and is thoroughly undesirable.
It's not even about taxing the wealthy!
The same argument used by Mr Mickleburgh is used by socialist administrations who plunder funds - again honestly earned and tax paid - from families who are bereaved! It is called Inheritance Tax.
Stealing from the families of the dead under the guise of taxation is equally immoral.

A Church in Crisis.