Thursday, June 30, 2016

Ah. The Brexiteers Were Right Yet AGAIN!

REVEALED: Merkel NEEDS free trade deal with UK or 750,000 German jobs could face the axe.

ANGELA Merkel will have to agree to a free trade deal with an independent United Kingdom because 750,000 jobs rely on cross-Channel exports, a senior economics analyst has warned today. Express.

Thanks For All You Have Done Recently, Angela. The UK Thanks You.


Hmm. Just an idle, backtracking thought. Bit of a longshot, though.

It's Okay Boris, You Can Stop Pulling Now.

Double Whammy For Remainists.

Their petition for a second vote is riddled with false names and addresses, moreover, a recent poll stated that only 31% want a second vote - 58% do not!

Chilcot Enquiry ...

... report due out next Wednesday.  I would wager that Tony Blair is trembling in his boots!

Sorry, Nicola (But Not Very.)

If the UK goes, Scotland goes too.
Mariano Rajoy, Prime Minister of Spain

Let's Hear It For Jonathan!

Hartlepool is the centre of UKIP activity in the North East of England and is where local MEP, Jonathan Arnott, has his main office.
It is remarkable that, just two years into his impressive tenure, he has made such an impact in the European Parliament Chamber and in Hartlepool itself. 
Under his guidance, an incredibly strong UKIP team has started taking many council seats in the NE but perhaps, the crowning triumph was that over 70% of Hartlepool voters supported Brexit! Much of the credit must go to UKIP's star man.

Fox, Crabb & The Big Guns.

Surely, Fox or Crabb can only take the Tory leadership if the split between Theresa and Boris cannot be resolved.
At this point, in order to ensure that our departure from The Evil Empire happens - what we must pray for is a candidate who will unite the Tories and can be TRUSTED to do the job, fair and square. (Although, preferably 'not on the square'.)
My preference? - I really do not care at this point! All I really desire is a clean, well-negotiated Brexit.

Deeper Economic Waters!


Butter Really Is Back: Yet Another Study Praises It.

In the latest research, scientists from Tufts University, Boston, analysed the results of nine studies published since 2005 from 15 countries, including the US, UK and Europe. Mail.

France Trying Hard To Be Good Friends.

In a major boost for hopes of a smooth exit for the UK, France's finance minister Michel Sapin, said there would be no 'red lines' in talks over the single market. His declaration of flexibility was backed by Finland's deputy PM and are the first signs of a crack in the EU's united front. It came as stock markets rallied and fears of a post-Brexit economic slump eased while Theresa May and Boris Johnson prepared to launch their bids for Tory leadership.

Silly, Silly, Silly!

Fishing Grounds.

From: Arthur Quarmby, Underhill, Holme.
WE will of course be taking back all the extensive and exclusive fishing grounds which we took into the then Common Market so that our once-prosperous fishing industry can be recreated, with huge export potential to the EU. Yorks Post.


Christians Have Dual Citizenship.

Save The ...

Trade With Oz & South Korea.

It is time to begin looking towards our global future

EU - Just Getting Out In Time!

“What we have now is a gallop towards a full-on dictatorship,” Lord Moncton said on The Alex Jones Show Monday. “Here we have a proposal, again from the left in the EU, this time to bring forward the proposal for a so-called ‘EU army,’ by which they make all the armies of the EU member states into one army commanded by the unelected commissars.”
“You won’t hear a word of criticism of this on the BBC,” he added. “This is a big problem. The media are being captured by these people. And the question is whether there are still enough independent-minded media around to speak out.”
Monckton broke down the different roles the EU army and NATO would have should the EU adopt the proposal.
“The danger with the European army proposal is that there is no court to whom anyone in Europe can appeal if their governing class decides to go down this route,” he said. “This is an internal army designed to suppress the will of the people and keep them cowering in fear and to kick down the door just like the KGB if the people disagree with them.”
“That’s why they want a European army as well as NATO,” Monckton continued. “Because NATO already deals with the external defense of Europe. It’s NATO that’s kept the peace. So why do they need a European army as well as NATO? Because NATO is explicitly forbidden to police the internal affairs of member states.”
Monckton explained the political sentiment throughout Europe was rising in favor of national sovereignty and against globalist interests, with a voice of reason, sense and liberty growing louder against the increasingly aggressive, totalitarian EU.
He also revealed the elite fascists of the right and communists of the left have joined forces in the fight for totalitarianism.
“They battled each other in the 20th century, but now they are standing together against liberty,” Monckton said. “That’s the significance of this European army move. It’s that they’re so desperate. They know that the people of Europe do not love them. They know that they have failed to deliver what we would regard as useful European government.”
Monckton explained the political sentiment throughout Europe would continue to rise in favor of national sovereignty and against globalist interests even as they roll out their countermeasures.
“I think we are now seen very widely throughout Europe as being the voice of reason and sense and liberty against this increasingly cloying and increasingly aggressive totalitarian EU,” he said.

Trade With NZ.

Nice to see that New Zealand has offered to help the UK open talks with New Zealand!

What? - Still Here?

Trade With The US.

United States House of Representatives has called for a UK-US trade agreement.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Remainists Lied - The Sky Has NOT Fallen In!

After rising 2.6% on Tuesday, the FTSE 100 share index was up 2.1% at 6,271.48 by mid-morning.
The pound rose 0.3% against the dollar to $1.3383, although sterling still remains well below levels reached before the referendum.

Not Negotiable.

Sorry, but We Won't Rewrite the Bible for Gays and Lesbians

Michael Brown
First, what Scripture says on homosexual practice is not negotiable, and no amount of new books or videos or personal stories will change that. Christian Post.

Psalm 24.

No Confidence!

Whenever the loony left get any form of high position - it never ends well. Who in their right mind could possibly hope to survive a confidence vote which you lose by 132 MP votes? -
Er ... Jeremy!

The Very Worst Of Double Standards.

Michael Brown.
Consider this scenario. A married man and father announces that he is leaving his wife and children in order to be "true to himself." He has found another love, the most genuine love he has ever known, and he has already moved in with his new lover.
How would society react to him?
"You, sir, are an unfaithful, disloyal adulterer. You should be ashamed of yourself, leaving your wife and kids for another woman."
He replies, "But it's not for another woman. It's for another man. I'm gay and I've come to terms with my identity. I won't go on with the charade any longer, and I'm proud of my decision."
How does society react now?
"You, sir, are a courageous hero. You have set an example for others to follow, and you should be commended for your boldness and integrity."
So, if you commit adultery and abandon your family out of heterosexual desires, you are a despicable human being. But if you do it out of homosexual desires, you are a hero and champion. You even become an international celebrity, albeit not without some controversy.
Just ask Jim McGreevey, the former governor of New Jersey. Newsweek called his book The Confession, in which he recounts his own story, "An astonishingly candid memoir ... brave and powerful."
If Bill Clinton had left Hillary Clinton, finding his true love in Monica Lewinsky and writing a book about it, do you think his story would have been praised with similar words?
I'm quite aware that, in some cases, the wives were deeply sympathetic to their husbands' struggles, recognizing that their spouses were fighting inner demons and were embarrassed at their inability to satisfy their wives.
LGBT activists would also tell us that, had society not forced gays into the closet, these men would never have been under pressure to marry women in the first place.
And I can only imagine the sense of emotional relief they experienced when they finally "came out."
But none of this changes the fact that:
1. they broke the wedding vows they made
 2. many of them had marriages that were functioning well before they came out
3. they ultimately put their own needs above those of their spouses and children
 4. they did not (and could not) truly calculate the long-term effects of their decision on their family
 5. in many cases, they were unfaithful while married and it was their relationship to another man that caused them to come out.
How is any of this commendable or praiseworthy? Where is the courage in it, let alone the integrity? Why does homosexuality somehow turn immorality into morality? And why, if you're a professing Christian, does it land you an interview on The View?

Amjad Bashir - Conservative.

For my part I would caution only this. Like many leave-voters, my vision was for Britain to achieve a fair and controlled immigration system through leaving the EU. A deal which fundamentally hampered that ability would feel like a betrayal to many. Yorks Post.

EU To Be Run By Sky?

Following the turmoil caused by the UK voting to leave the EU, officials have decided to award the job of running the organisation to Sky. A Sky spokesman explained that they were “terribly pleased to be awarded the multi-million Euro contract” and they outlined their proposals.

“We intend to package up the various parts of the EU. For example there will be the free trade package, the freedom of movement package and the monetary unification package. Governments can elect to buy into any or all packages,” he said, before confirming that “BT still has the European sport package, but we’re working with the German Army to resolve that.”
Regarding the Brexit vote, Sky have passed the UK government onto their retention team. “We’ve suggested the UK drops the freedom of movement package for a couple of years and have offered a reduced price for the next twelve months. The price will rise again after the introductory period and they will be locked in, but only for twenty years, but we’re sure we can accommodate them year to year with new packages, such as access to the European Union Army,” said a retention team spokesman.
Talk Talk was “disappointed not to be awarded the contract”, and say their suggestion to outsource the EU administration to India was “probably misunderstood.” News Biscuit.

So. WHO Was Telling Porkies?

So, after months of 'Remain' campaigners insisting the EU doesn't want a European Army, Verhofstadt says he wants one (yet calls us liars!)


Tim Farron tells me a general election would be a 'wise thing to do' after the new Prime Minister is chosen in Sept.

... which explains why The Lib Dems are unfit for purpose!

Good Stuff.


Come On Wales!

We now have to root for Wales In Euro 2016. After England's abject display on Monday, an honest, hardworking side needs our support.

Secularists On The Move.

Blair - Then Chilcott Enquiry Results Are Apparently Imminent Too.

Tony Blair 'misrepresented the facts' when he told MPs Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, says a former UN weapons inspector. Hans Blix makes the claim in a BBC programme. Mail.

Caption Competition: What Is Dave Saying To His Friend?

Nigel - In The News/ Not In The News.

Why has the media concentrated solely on the dig at euro MEPs rather than the substance of Nigel's speech?

Why did the news channels not show anything more than sound-bites from this historical moment? Why did they not show his overtures of peace?

Boris Making The Right Leadership Noises.

Boris has pledged that there will be no snap election if he wins the leadership contest. Good for the country and pretty good for his Tory Party too.


'Game, set and match...but wait...the losers are asking for the result to be looked at again.'

Anna Soubry Losing The Plot.

Tory minister Ms Soubry struggled to hold back tears as she addressed anti-Brexit campaigners about the 'terrible mistake' of leaving the European Union - but was accused of being 'inebriated'. Mail.
Dear Anna,
Pull yourself together and RESPECT the majority vote. YOU LOST! Get used to it and grow up!
The Blogger.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Jeremy Loses Confidence Vote By Labour MPs.

Anyone fancying a rerun for the benefit of those who might have changed their minds?

From Jonathan MEP.

What's happening in the European Parliament today is a kind of theatre. The Commission and Council, responsible for the negotiation process, play with a straight bat. They speak of the things I spoke of happening after Brexit, of finding a new way to work with the UK. Although unelected, Juncker has real power. Therefore he has responsibility.
The European Parliament has less power, and therefore less responsibility. The leaders of the political groups can say whatever they want, because they know it makes no difference. And they do. All of their anger at British democracy comes out. They all say they respect the UK decision, then proceed to attack and disrespect it.
Remain was based upon truth; Leave, upon lies, according to them. Only Syed Kamall, the Conservative leader and Brexiteer, speaks with any kind of balance.
More political groups speak, more attacks and nastiness towards Brexit whilst paying lip-service to democracy.
And then, finally, up stands Nigel Farage. He rises to boos from the chamber and shouts of 'Out'. Even Schulz intervenes.
How things have changed! When Nigel Farage first said he wanted to leave, they laughed - but they're not laughing now.
The European Parliament is in denial, he insists. It is in denial over the migrant crisis. But the biggest problem is that the British people were never told the truth about political union. Referendum results in Holland and France were ignored.
Last Thursday was a seismic result, he tells us. The ordinary, oppressed, people rejected the multinationals, the merchant banks and big politics. They wanted our fishing grounds, our borders and our democracy back.
We now offer a beacon of hope to democrats across the European continent.
But Nigel Farage agrees with Juncker that we must get on with Article 50. And the tone must be different.
Schulz has to calm the chamber down again; he accuses the Parliament of 'acting like UKIP'. Nigel says UKIP used to protest against the establishment, reverse is now true.
Trade, he tells us, matters. Tariffs would threaten the jobs of hundreds of thousands in the German car industry. We need the UK to be friends of Europe and to co-operate.
Indeed we do; today has been emotional for those who are seeing their European federalist dream going up in smoke. But ultimately both sides need a good deal and good neighbourliness.

Age Divide In Brexit Vote?

It is particularly frightening that the young people of the UK know so little about the actual workings of the European Union. At least, many of us fogies are rather better informed!
Ask any 'well-educated young person' about the EU and all the vast majority can do is to repeat dubious sound bites from the EU propaganda which floods into our schools or banner headlines from people whose default response is to scream 'racist' at anyone who has the audacity to mention immigration.
Those readers in the UK - try this test on any young people between the ages of 13 to 35. It is astonishing how little is known.
1) Do they realise that the EU is SO corrupt that its own auditors have not signed off the accounts properly in 21 years? In part, this is because of total inefficiency - so that is alright then!
2) Do they know that our MEPs - carefully elected - have effectively no powers?
3) Do they know that the EU is run by unelected commissioners and bureaucrats - also unelected?
4) Do they know that our ONE Commissioner does NOT represent the UK but the EU ONLY?
5) Do they know that the powers of Europol are theoretically greater than those of the Gestapo? Effectively, they cannot commit any act for which they may be prosecuted.
6) Did they realise that every working migrant from the EU effectively takes away a job from a British worker? (What too about housing, education, public services, burden on the NHS?)
7) Do they realise that would-be migrants from 167 countries have to apply for work permits - but EU members do not? (Note how many of the EU migrants are white. Isn't that racist, maybe?)
8) Do they realise that the EU is failing? - It used to have 38% of world trade - it now has 18% and will drop to 15% (if we remain) by 2019?
9) Do they know that the Taxpayers' Alliance estimates that being in the EU costs £125 billion annually - when all costs are taken into account?
10) Do they know that since joining - we have paid in a net one third of a TRILLION pounds?
11) Now do they get why those who know more (excluding bankers, celebs, politicos, luvvies and lefties, of course) have supported Brexit. The real fogies like me remember a time of sovereignty. 

Boris For PM? - Can He Unite The Party?

If the Tories are at all sensible, they will get their heads down, elect a unifying leader - and quickly. They can then let Labour continue on its merry way to self-destruction. All must be accomplished extremely rapidly and must NOT wait until late Autumn. 
EU negotiations must get under way with a broad-based negotiating team which must now inevitably exclude Lib Dems after the sickening pronouncements by the weasel-like Tim Farron.
There must NOT be a General Election which could plunge the nation into unprecedented chaos.
Is Boris the right person? - I do not know enough to comment. What I do know, however, is that this is the chance for Tories to dominate the political scene into the far distant future.
Will they be intelligent enough to grasp the opportunity? - Perhaps history suggests otherwise.
If they get it right, there may also be a split opposition to face as, surely, UKIP will begin to take Labour seats in the North - even under the grossly unjust FPTP voting system.

Our Mighty God.

EU:The Sinking Ship. Christian View From The USA.

EU Denying Europe's Christian Roots Contributed to Brexit
Britain has decided that joining hands and singing "Cum Ba Ya" on the deck of the sinking "Titanic" that is the European Union will not save the ship. Wisely, a majority of her voters saw through the EU illusion and decided they should abandon the vessel..


Giant EU Superstate To Be Revealed.

England 1 - Iceland 2.

So. This is what happens when we come up against the mighty strength of a non-EU country. Phew!
This was the shabbiest England performance I have ever witnessed.
My own team had an execrable first half of last season. I could recognise all of the same symptoms in the England team: frequent loss of possession; constantly out of position; unintelligent and often woeful passing; failure to play for each other; fear; lack of imagination and a total absence of creativity
With my team, it was all about not using a system which fitted with the talents of the players. It was not that they were not trying and, for me, it was entirely down to the manager.
With Roy Hodgson - some of his decisions with selection were very questionable. Why was a consistently mediocre goalkeeper allowed another chance to wreck our campaign?
To be fair to Hodgson though, England do not have centre backs of any quality. But my last word is that this was down to a team so-riddled with fear - they froze on the night. It's a good job that they did not go on to meet France in Paris. Innit?

Democracy It Ain't!

Throughout my entire life, one group has won every single General Election. It has been the patronising, smug we-know-what-is-best-for-you party.
They brim with arrogance and have generally come in two, not-so-very-distinct flavours.
For the first time ever, these people have been defeated in an election and, unsurprisingly, they are very angry that real democracy has had the effrontery to challenge their 'received wisdom'. 
Forget the House of Lords, these are the real, new patrician class.
In a democracy, when you lose an election - you accept it and make it work. Do we honestly believe that is what they are going to do?
If they manage to subvert this result - democracy will be no more and there will be a massive surge to the ultra-right. I do hope, that for once, they really do recognise that they are playing with fire.

Monday, June 27, 2016

So - Which One Is Under The Greater Pressure?

Dear Lib Dems.

Dear . You should remove the word 'Democrats' from your name. You no longer have a right to it.

So.Osborne Is 'Going To Do Everything In His Power To Make it Work'.

Odd that. Beforehand, he was stating that nothing on earth could make a Brexit work. (Fancies another senior job in cabinet, does he?)

Shameful Behaviour: Shameless Critics!

Spate of racist attacks blamed on Brexit vote. Telegraph.

Heron Mobbed By Crows.

It is not a sight I have seen all that often but, on my morning constitutional today, I spotted a grey heron being mobbed over my garage by about five crows. I went on with my walk and then presumably it was the same heron which
came into view, almost above my head, with two crows giving it a really hard time!

Seems Pretty Accurate!

Working-class Northerners have revolted against the London luvvies, says FREDERICK FORSYTH

May The Liberal Democrat Party Be Cast Into Total Oblivion.

The Lib Dems have announced that, in future, they will stand on a platform of ignoring the referendum defeat. May their undemocratic party ROT!

Appearances Of Jesus.

Jesus Miraculously 'Appearing to Muslims' All Over Middle East, Says Christian Apologist.
In his recent book Unanswered, a volume that was six years in the making and intends to shed light on topics that have gone largely unaddressed within today's Church, apologist and New Testament scholar Jeremiah Johnston assures that, even in modern times, God is still very much on the move when it comes to working miracles.
In fact, Johnston says Jesus is making miraculous appearances to Muslims around the world.
"Jesus is appearing to Muslims all over the Middle Eastern world," he told The Christian Post. The Bible scholar, who wrote a forthcoming book on the Islamic State terror group, admitted "that makes some believers uncomfortable — you know, Jesus appearing to someone. I remind them, 'have you read Acts Chapter 9 recently? Who did Jesus appear to while he was on the road to Damascus? Saul of Tarsus.' We don't need to put God in a box. Believe you me, God can work apart from us."
