Sunday, June 26, 2016


We have seen, yet again, in the last 48 hours how illiberal are our so-called liberal classes. They seem determined to subvert the clearest of democratic results. They are the anti-democrats - and always right.
Right, however, will come back to bite them. 
They are laying the groundwork for a massive surge of public anger - greater than any seen in our nation since The Peterloo Massacre of 1819. 
Should they manage to defeat the will of the people, I predict that our ultra right - tiny, indistinctive and unpopular - will start to build and build very rapidly indeed.
You mess with the democratic process at your peril.
ALL parliamentary democrats must now unite and declare respect for the referendum result - whatever their personal feelings, inclinations and opinions might be.
Ours is a poor sort of democracy - but at least, a referendum with two opposing points of view is transparent.
We now need to monitor our MPs. EVERY SINGLE ONE who works against the democratic process must be outed, shamed and their actions publicised to their constituents.
If the anti-democrats subvert this result - UKIP becomes our only recourse. If it is not UKIP which picks up votes in the next General Election - it will be a renewed BNP or similar or worse or far worse!
Forgive them, Father - they apparently know not what they do.

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