Monday, June 27, 2016

Appearances Of Jesus.

Jesus Miraculously 'Appearing to Muslims' All Over Middle East, Says Christian Apologist.
In his recent book Unanswered, a volume that was six years in the making and intends to shed light on topics that have gone largely unaddressed within today's Church, apologist and New Testament scholar Jeremiah Johnston assures that, even in modern times, God is still very much on the move when it comes to working miracles.
In fact, Johnston says Jesus is making miraculous appearances to Muslims around the world.
"Jesus is appearing to Muslims all over the Middle Eastern world," he told The Christian Post. The Bible scholar, who wrote a forthcoming book on the Islamic State terror group, admitted "that makes some believers uncomfortable — you know, Jesus appearing to someone. I remind them, 'have you read Acts Chapter 9 recently? Who did Jesus appear to while he was on the road to Damascus? Saul of Tarsus.' We don't need to put God in a box. Believe you me, God can work apart from us."

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?