Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Boris For PM? - Can He Unite The Party?


If the Tories are at all sensible, they will get their heads down, elect a unifying leader - and quickly. They can then let Labour continue on its merry way to self-destruction. All must be accomplished extremely rapidly and must NOT wait until late Autumn. 
EU negotiations must get under way with a broad-based negotiating team which must now inevitably exclude Lib Dems after the sickening pronouncements by the weasel-like Tim Farron.
There must NOT be a General Election which could plunge the nation into unprecedented chaos.
Is Boris the right person? - I do not know enough to comment. What I do know, however, is that this is the chance for Tories to dominate the political scene into the far distant future.
Will they be intelligent enough to grasp the opportunity? - Perhaps history suggests otherwise.
If they get it right, there may also be a split opposition to face as, surely, UKIP will begin to take Labour seats in the North - even under the grossly unjust FPTP voting system.

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?
