Friday, May 04, 2018

The Left - Even When They Are Right They Are Wrong.

Please use this short piece for guidance when you look at the workings of the left. It is horrendously accurate. 
To use this, you must first remember that: the left of politics is founded on hatred; it is, in itself, a false god; it frequently manages to - or indeed, chooses to - misunderstand and misrepresent realities; its warped morality is more important than helping working people and the poorest in our society who ought to be their remit; its success rate in government is truly dismal; it relies on champagne socialists in Kensington and Chelsea; it tends to be economically illiterate; it preaches putting the nation's finances into hock; it rarely chooses pragmatism above modern liberalism; it despises the very wealth creation which our nation so desperately needs; it hides behind empty catch phrases and mantras; by and large, it despises Christianity; it invents bogeymen; its 'message' is ingrained into our media and education systems; it will happily persist with failure provided that its thought processes are 'right on'.
Against this horrific backcloth, you may be shocked to learn that, maybe one time in four, this strange grouping is correct when recognising a genuine social problem - the only problem is that their solutions - principally for the reasons stated above, not only will not work, but CANNOT!

Elephantine Tragedies.