Wednesday, October 23, 2024

An Excellent Piece BUT Are The Conservatives Not Forgetting That Sergeant Martyn Blake Was Scandalously Jailed Under The Tory's OWN Two-Tier Watch?

Two-Tier Keir and the Death of Free Speech: The Tragic Case of Peter Lynch.


What we are witnessing today is nothing short of an absolute travesty. A calamity, a catastrophe in the most sinister sense of the word.

We’ve come to a point in British history where a 61-year-old grandfather – a man called Peter Lynch – took a placard, voiced his concerns, and has now taken his own life behind bars, all because of the draconian, authoritarian state that Keir Starmer and his Two-Tier Justice system have imposed upon this nation.

Let me be perfectly clear: this is a scandal of monumental proportions. Lynch’s crime? A bit of verbal abuse during a protest – a protest sparked by none other than the horrors of the Southport Massacre, where three innocent girls were barbarically murdered during a Taylor Swift dance class. And in the face of such unspeakable tragedy, what did Peter do? He took a placard, as any citizen in a free democracy has the right to do, and called out the police, MPs, and media as corrupt. Frankly, a sentiment that many of us would agree with.

Yet, here we are. Peter shouted words – not fists, not weapons, but words – at police officers. He called them “scum” and, yes, made remarks about asylum seekers, referring to them as “child killers.” But he did not incite violence. He didn’t lay a finger on anyone. And despite this, what was the fate of this man, suffering from angina, diabetes, and heart troubles? A staggering two years and eight months behind bars.

Meanwhile, in the same courtroom, the very same judge chose not to imprison a paedophile because – get this – jail would have been “too crushing” for him. What about Peter? Was prison not “too crushing” for a man already battling health issues?

And now he’s dead.

I ask you, does that sound like justice? Or does it sound like a deeply chilling message to the rest of us? This is the ugly face of Two-Tier Keir’s Britain – a Britain where political dissenters are silenced, jailed, and left to rot.

Even in death, Peter Lynch’s name is dragged through the mud by the mainstream media. He’s branded a “conspiracy theorist” because his placard had the temerity to reference the deep state. Well, I say Peter was no fool. He saw the cracks in the system – the same cracks that many of us see every day. He called them out, and now he’s paid the ultimate price.

And as for Starmer, it is beyond belief that under his watch, people like Peter Lynch – ordinary citizens who dare to speak out – are thrown into jail for expressing their views. A government that tolerates this kind of persecution has blood on its hands. Keir Starmer has blood on his hands. Peter Lynch is not just a statistic; he is a victim of an intolerable injustice, the kind of injustice that, if we are not careful, will suffocate what remains of free speech in this country.

Now, let’s talk about HMP Moorland. I can only imagine the treatment Peter was subjected to within those grim prison walls. Sky News itself had reported that those jailed after the so-called “riots” in the wake of the Southport Massacre were being brutally targeted by Muslim gangs inside. What kind of hell must Peter have endured in such a place? A man who never laid a hand on anyone, condemned to suffer not just the emotional weight of injustice, but the very real threats to his safety, day in and day out. The anguish this man must have felt, locked up, isolated, and under threat, is unimaginable. Goodness knows what he endured. And now, he’s gone.

Let’s not forget Lucy Connolly, another political prisoner of this nightmarish regime. Jailed for over two years because of a solitary post on social media after grieving the loss of her child due to NHS negligence. Meanwhile, drug dealers, paedophiles, and violent offenders walk free. Can someone explain to me how this is acceptable?

Where is the outcry? Where is the anger from our so-called free press? It’s buried. Sky News, with a passing mention; the BBC, barely a whisper. But the silence is deafening, and it is a silence we should all be concerned about.

This isn’t about sticking up for rioters, far from it. I have always been unequivocal in my condemnation of violence. But this, my friends, is about free speech – the right to protest, to voice concerns, and to hold those in power to account. Peter Lynch was jailed for speech. It’s Orwellian. It’s like a dystopian Black Mirror episode. It’s wrong… and now he’s dead.

This cannot stand. We must not allow this kind of authoritarian crackdown to continue in our beloved Britain. We must demand justice for Peter Lynch, and we must stand firm against the creeping tyranny of Two-Tier Keir’s justice system.

Let us honour Peter’s memory by ensuring that his death is not in vain. And let us fight – with words, with truth, and with unwavering resolve – to preserve the freedoms that make this country great.

By Claire Bullivant, Editor

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