Saturday, October 19, 2024

I Love To See Nigel Making Such Progress: Our Nation Needs A Huge Change of Direction.

Blogger: Nigel is a hugely original politician and - easy to like. But in order for him to become PM four years from now - and to make proper changes away from the political shambles we have endured for so long - he will have to do better than he did when leader of UKIP.
He was very capable of alienating sound and solid workers for the party - many in lofty positions. He had a major character flaw which was that honestly given comment, pointing out problems inherent in some of his ideas, was oft-times taken as a personal attack.
The outcome was that many people of great talent found themselves forced out of the party - quite a few of whom I knew personally.
If that were to be repeated, Reform UK will inevitably fail.
The really good news here, is that I have not been able to detect any signs of this occurring in Reform UK but I must admit to not having the same depth of knowledge of the inner workings of that party as I did as an extremely active UKIP member for sixteen years.

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