Monday, October 28, 2024

Okay. I've Been Looking Out For Evidence Which Either Does Not Exist Or Is Not Being Reported.

 Since the mass arrests after the riots, I have looked extremely carefully at every court case reported I could find - hoping to find evidence of the hard right louts who had fomented those street problems and caused such grief to our hard-pressed police.

I was certain that details of those sentenced to jail for appalling offences would have had the leftist media proudly declaring the names and details of these low-lifes for all to see.
After all, these protests were all coming from the hard right - weren't they?
I am pretty sure that such foul groups were represented - and in some cases, were directly responsible for organising protests; perhaps some were even welcoming chaos.

Was I wrong? Were the rightists merely peripheral? Were these no more than voice-of-the-people characters? Ordinary folks sick to death of invasions by illegals?
Okay - there were flags of St George and Union Jacks on our TV screens. So what? 
What I do know for a certainty is that: those who love a rumble; the brick throwers; the petrol bombers; the looters, the street scum etc were all fully represented.


They were clearly a diverse mix. We have seen reports of trials and sentencing but where is the evidence for the affiliations of, what appears to have been, pretty small numbers of actual rightists?
If those of rightist affiliations are largely unreported - I must ask WHY? Surely our leftist media should have been 'dipping their bread' to bring us the 'unpleasant truth'. 

Starmer and Co have tried to give us the impression that the nation was being threatened by Hitler clones.
We have been scammed by politicos for decades now. Falsehoods and false news are everywhere.
I am open to the truth - whatever form it takes. But an absence of evidence as to the backgrounds of the rioters who were being jailed - worries me profoundly.

Who Should We Love?

  We are called by God to love the guilty as well as the innocent. We are called to follow Jesus outside of our comfort zone, to follow Him ...