Thursday, October 02, 2008

Capitalism v socialism.

Even Edward Heath, traître extraordinaire, showed some understanding when he referred to the 'unacceptable face of capitalism'.

Capitalism has had more than a bit of a battering in recent weeks and perhaps the worst thing about it all is that as we emerge from this current mess, the stranglehold of corporatism, globalisation et al will grow ever stronger as the giant concerns gobble up the not-quite-so-giant and conspiracy theorists will regale us with lurid tales of how all of this latest catastrophe has actually been planned. It is increasingly difficult to gainsay their assertions.

The system has worked dramatically against the consumer and who could possibly deny the presence of massive greed in many quarters? - But for the sake of clarity, do remember that accusations of greed are not easily proved but always made and not so easily countered.

I do not intend to write about the countless failings of socialism in this piece - I have covered those many times over on this Blog - but I do need to point out that capitalism with the rough and unsavoury edges brought under control WORKS.
Socialism does not.

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