Sunday, October 19, 2008

How to rescue democracy.

I am deeply concerned. I have just listened to an American reporter asking questions on the streets of Harlem.
He asked Obama future voters why they supported their man and then presented, seemingly intelligent people, with the policies of McCain and EVEN referred to his vice presidential sidekick being Sarah Palin. Not only did they emphatically endorse the policies of McCain but thought that Palin WAS indeed his running mate.

Those of us who are democratic to the bone are stunned but not surprised. I have posted several articles on here which have pointed out how so many vote for what they don't actually want.

We have been told that a bald man has no hope of election as a a party leader in this country.
Obama is considerably more handsome than McCain.

I despair!

There are only two ways I can see which can repair the damage of such dangerous voting patterns:

1} The use of referenda must come to the fore. The Swiss model would be a good starting point. At least if the terminally stupid and the uninformed cannot see the bigger picture, there is a strong chance that they will be able to express their views on a single policy issue and

2} We must consider having a set of say, 5 simple questions on the issues at the top of each ballot paper - if computerised systems are used these could vary from voter to voter - if the voter scores less than three out of five, then the vote would be automatically discounted.

Harsh perhaps, but how else do we protect ourselves from fools?

The first of these ideas is enormously attractive to me but the second troubles me deeply - it is clear that something must be done, however.

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