This week it was also reported that Labour's policies of liberalising gambling have come back to bite them.
The week before that it was how their 'all day drinking' had backfired and alcohol related problems had run riot.
These are people who have liberal 'gut reactions' which are utterly untrustworthy.
A big 'sorry' to so many of my libertarian friends who would have probably supported all three of these liberalisations as well as my points on marriage in another of today's postings going against their grain - the trouble is that once a freedom begins to cause social damage beyond the immediate individual himself, that freedom is no longer easy to justify.
'A senior police officer delivered a fierce attack on the reclassification of cannabis yesterday after a long-term user who ignored medical pleas to kick the habit was jailed for murdering his girlfriend. Detective Superintendent Andy West said the decision to downgrade the drug from Class B to C was the 'worst thing' he had seen in 28 years of policing. He spoke out after a judge jailed Marc Middlebrook for the murder of Stephanie Barton, a 32-year-old trainee accountant.'
LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1078151/Going-soft-cannabis-worst-thing-Ive-seen-28-years-policing-says-senior-officer.html