Thursday, October 30, 2008

Numbers 32: 23. " ...and be sure your sin will find you out."

One of the greatest tragedies facing the godless generations of today is that so many firmly believe that personal actions do not have consequences; they seem to work to the principle of seeing 'how much we can get away with in life'.
On the grandest scale they cannot see that ultimately they must answer to God for the lives He has lent them. Consider the Parable of the Talents.
But on a more mundane level, they fail to grasp the idea that actions have consequences, here and now.
Consider the reports which suggest that considerable numbers of young women will tragically find themselves unable to conceive in the coming years because of the STDs which result from their promiscuous lifestyles.
The trouble is that this is yet one more example where the taxpayer will be hit because of the uncontrolled behaviour of some members of our society. We shall have to foot the major bills for the considerable amounts of NHS time and effort which will be taken up in desperate attempts to reverse the situation for these women.
If smokers contract cancer, at least they will have paid in taxes many times over for the costs of their treatment.


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