Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sorry - I'm angry again!

'Truant and classroom troublemakers should be offered rewards for good behaviour, according to advice from Ofsted.
The education watchdog urged schools to use privileges and awards to persuade uncooperative pupils to abide by school rules.
Inspectors said rewards such as days out and other activities helped schools 'manage behaviour' and improve attitudes, boosting attendance and exam results.'

What an excellent idea. Let's bribe the worst of pupils to show some semblance of good behaviour whilst the better behaved ones get no recognition for behaving tolerably in the first place.
This is not just ill-conceived, subject to the law of unintended consequences and expensive - it is profoundly immoral.
Dare I ask - whatever happened to carrot and stick? - That at least, was fair to ALL.

A LoonyTunesWatch coconut has been awarded to Ofsted!

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