Saturday, June 11, 2011

For Those Who Doubt - BROWN WAS TO BLAME! Proof.

'A confidential document presented to the Cabinet in January 2006 asks: "We've spent all this money, but what have we got for it?"
It warns that the efficiency of the public sector needed to improve rapidly and insisted that "spending growth will slow". The document drafted by civil servants also says that "ineffective spending" must be "closed down".
However, Gordon Brown discarded the advice and embarked on a £90 billion increase in spending when he became prime minister.
The expenditure meant that the economy was left facing a record deficit as the effects of the recession were felt.' [Telegraph.]

Do remember too that the banks received loans from government when they got into trouble - they were not gifts. So it wasn't the banks who have ultimately wrecked the economy. (Guilty parties pictured above.)

If Only I Could Disagree.

Nick Timothy Labour sees success and wants to tax it, not encourage more of it. Reeves and her party are takers not makers, destroyers not c...