Sunday, June 05, 2011

Polly Toynbee Is Soooo Out Of Touch.

"Chav: the vile word at the heart of fractured Britain. Fostering the loathing of a feral underclass allows public resentment to be diverted from those above to those below." Polly Toynbee - Guardian. (Pink for a girl!)
Indeed, ma'am. We must not attack the self-serving, criminal, benefit-cheating, amoral, parasite class which has emerged because of the policies advocated and implemented by people such as your good self.
In fact, I do blame you and your ilk far more than I blame them. They are now beyond education and may only be controlled - yet you object to that too.
Thanks a bunch! You epitomise all that is wrong with our society as an iconic emblem of the pinko left.

Learning From Joseph.