Sunday, February 26, 2012

Judgement Day.

For the atheist, the agnostic, those who can't be bovvered to find out and sadly, a number of Christians too - there seems to be little sense of the fact that we must all one day answer to God for the lives we have led.
We can argue that:-
We have never done too much wrong.
Our good deeds outweigh our bad.
That we have attended church on occasions.
We have celebrated Christmas.
We have given The Sally Army and other charities a couple of quid when they've asked.
What MORE could God possibly want of us? Surely, we shall cruise into heaven - after all, 'Aren't we so much better than most of the people out there?'
The question we shall be asked by the Father is simply this,'Do you know my Son?'
In Matthew 25 we have the Parable Of The Sheep And Goats. There WILL be a separating out!
Your answering 'Yes' to The Father's question will however be tested.
Please read that parable and find out just how!
