Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What Do You Mean 'Hammer The Rich?' - We Already Do!

'The 308,000 people on the 50p top rate – who earn more than £150,000 – pay £47billion a year to the Treasury. Since 2000, the share of tax paid by the highest earners has risen from 22.2 to 27.7 per cent. Research also shows the 3.7 million who earned more than £35,000 and pay 40 per cent tax hand over £57 billion, 34 per cent of the total.' (Mail.) 
Raise taxes for the entrepreneurs and investors and just watch them disappear to low tax nations taking businesses, jobs and opportunities with them!
If Denis Healey - who wanted to tax the rich until their pips squeaked - had had his way. This country would now be on a lower level than Greece!
