Wednesday, February 29, 2012

'Our inglorious recent history of weak, inept governments.'

The title is used on a Yorkshire Post letter. The writer is perfectly correct in the assessment but why is this the case?
There is a very long answer to the question but the shorter version is that as a nation we have become infected by a group best described as 'the liberal elite'.
The history of this clique can be traced less to The Labour Party itself as to that offshoot called The Fabian Society.
Through their efforts the universities became bastions of leftwing thought and the dissemination of such became their principal raison d'ĂȘtre.
The majority of students outgrew this puerile piffle as they came into contact with real life. Some however, having become detached government officials, found themselves with the power to influence public policy in broadcasting, education, further education, taxation, the EU and so much more.
From the ranks of such groups arose influential party politicians and so it went on ....
