Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Socialist Workers Party.

Probably the most toxic of all far left groups in the UK, this tiny party has influence far beyond its numbers.
It will come directly to few people's attention other than when they gain miniscule amounts of votes in elections or one of its acolytes attempts to sell you a copy of its newspaper Socialist Worker in the street. The 'socialist' part of that is definitely correct but their interest in 'work' certainly needs to be proved.
They have nasty little cells in most universities and also a highly successful history of infiltration of The Labour Party.
There are few leftist causes - however absurd - that it will not embrace. Like The Greens - a relatively close cousin - they spout much about the merits of democracy but are in practice, not awfully fond of the principle as its full implementation has nothing in it for them.
Their connections to 'Rentamob' are never too far away and personally, I have yet to meet a single one who does an honest day's work.
They have a strong tendency to live on benefits.
