Monday, March 26, 2012

Church Schools.

'Church schools must robustly assert their Christian ethos in the face of challenges and attacks from secularists, a Church of England report has warned. Launched at Lambeth Palace on Friday, The Church School of the Future report says that the challenge facing all Church schools is to maintain their distinctive character in an increasingly fragmented education system and increasingly secular society."Church schools must be responsive to parents and the communities they serve while celebrating their distinctive Christian ethos," the report states.' (Christian Post.)

Unlike 'Christian Schools', many Church schools do not actively promote the faith. Some of course, do a mighty job but I fear that many C Of E schools are effectively indistinguishable from any other junior or 'apprehensive' school.

Esther and Assisted Dying.

Michael Deacon . DT. Esther Rantzen fought for  ‘assisted dying’. Now she’s  surely killed it off. Marvellous news about the broadcaster’s  ...