Thursday, March 29, 2012

Dr David Drew.

The good doctor was sacked as Clinical Director at Walsall Manor Hospital in 2010.
This is currently before an industrial tribunal. Consequently, this matter being in a sense sub judice, I am somewhat restricted in what I may say.
Apparently, he had the effrontery to pass an old and established prayer to his team as a motivator and prefaced this with the accompaniment that 'this helped him'.
Seemingly, the final straw came when a colleague, Rob Hodgkiss, replied with the word ‘likewise’, to his thoroughly wicked text which had wished him 'a peaceful Christmas'.
The hospital's report stated: ( AND ERM - why was any such report needed, I ask myself?) ‘While DD (David Drew) may regard such messages as benign, RH (Rob Hodgkiss) perceived them as aggressive and unwelcome intrusions into his private time.’
I hope I am not sailing too close to the wind when I WARN everyone out there that wishing any pleasanteries to work colleagues in the Christmas season may cost you your job!
And there are those out there who claim that 'Christians complain too much over the shenanigans of so-called aggressive atheism.' Yeah. Right!

Esther and Assisted Dying.

Michael Deacon . DT. Esther Rantzen fought for  ‘assisted dying’. Now she’s  surely killed it off. Marvellous news about the broadcaster’s  ...