Saturday, March 24, 2012

Iran Opening Secretively To The Gospel.

Despite the Iranian government's ongoing crackdown of Christians living in the primarily Islamic country, the number of Muslims converting to become Christians is growing at an explosive rate, according to the persecution watchdog group Open Doors USA. (Christian Post.)

There is even talk of witnessing a Christian revival, especially among young people living in the country, say Open Doors ministry workers in the Middle East.A house church movement within Iran is part of that revival and has triggered "many secret meetings." The growth in the number of Christians is happening in all regions, but mostly in larger cities, say Open Doors workers in the region.Iran is ranked 5th on the Open Doors 2012 World Watch List of the top 50 worst persecutors of Christians.

Esther and Assisted Dying.

Michael Deacon . DT. Esther Rantzen fought for  ‘assisted dying’. Now she’s  surely killed it off. Marvellous news about the broadcaster’s  ...