Friday, March 23, 2012

I Rarely Drink Lager.

Lager is a poor substitute for real beer. Nonetheless, I recently had a single can of Special Brew to try it. It seemed to have been particularly strong so I read the can for details. It was 9%!!! FOUR AND A HALF UNITS. I was shocked. (A single can contained twice the amount of alcohol I am permitted medically per day!)
If Cameron & Co really want to tackle the alcohol side of 'boozing' then stuff like this and alcopops and 'strong cider' at 7.5% would be much worthier targets than the ordinary drinks which so many consume responsibly.
Just one thing though. It will NOT solve the social problems. Those wanting to get 'plastered' will still do it.
It may even provoke an increase in illegal drugtaking as that would actually be cheaper!

Esther and Assisted Dying.

Michael Deacon . DT. Esther Rantzen fought for  ‘assisted dying’. Now she’s  surely killed it off. Marvellous news about the broadcaster’s  ...