Thursday, June 23, 2016

Debates On Radio And TV.

If the Brexit side lost any debate on TV or anywhere else - I did not hear about it. There were plenty of the top debates lost - and big style - by the Remainists. And yet, one act of brutality by one headcase and the whole campaign may have been for nothing!
PLEASE PRAY THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE DAY THAT WE MAY BE FREED FROM THE EVIL EMPIRE. You who read in many countries across the globe - please pray too that we may escape this monstrosity.
I listen widely to local radio and some people voting remain are on the same level as those who refuse to vote for a politician because he is bald. PRAY that these people stay home - and there seems to be a fair few of them!

Assisted Dying.

News Irish Evangelicals Stand Against Growing Approval for Assisted Dying Christopher Kuo P ro-Life Alliance. With the UK making moves to le...