Sunday, June 05, 2016

Is Jeremy 'Playing It Clever'?

I have long lambasted Jeremy as 'a turncoat': one who has fought the EU for years but changes opinion in exchange for becoming Labour leader.
There is, however, a different possible view: an alternative which shows him in a somewhat better light. Whether this is what is actually happening - we can probably never know until he writes his memoirs.
The idea might be seen as him playing an extremely clever game:
1) He has kept a pretty low profile and
2) When speaking, he seems to be listing criticisms of the EU but then weakly adds 'Vote In' at the end.
Consider the contrast between Corbyn and Blair. Jeremy's response is limp but imagine how powerfully Blair would have worked. This is perhaps the best we could have expected from Labour.
Well done to Frank, Gisela, Austin etc in the Labour Party but it is just feasible that Jeremy is working a better 'Out Campaign' than they are!
But then, maybe he genuinely is that 'turncoat' and is actually no more than an ineffective political dollop. Make up your own minds!

A Church Ditches Digital.