Tuesday, June 21, 2016

String Theory 'Part Of God's Matrix'.

Noted physicist says string theory suggests we’re all living in God’s matrix

Dr. Michio Kaku
By Mark Ellis
Theoretical physicist, futurist, and bestselling author Michio Kaku has developed a theory that points to the existence of God using string theory.
String theory assumes that seemingly specific material particles are actually “vibrational states.”
His view about intelligent design has riled the scientific community because Dr. Kaku is considered one of its most respected and prominent voices. He is the co-creator of string field theory, a branch of string theory.
“I have concluded that we are in a world made by rules created by an intelligence,” he stated, according to the Geophilosophical Association of Anthropological and Cultural Studies.
Dr. Kaku has continued Einstein’s search for a “Theory of Everything,” seeking to unify the four fundamental forces of the universe—the strong force, the weak force, gravity and electromagnetism.
The very purpose of physics, says Kaku is “to find an equation … which will allow us to unify all the forces of nature and allow us to read the mind of God.”
Because string theory may provide a unified description of gravity and particle physics, it is considered a candidate for a Theory of Everything.
To reach his conclusions about intelligence behind the universe, Dr. Kaku made use of what he calls “primitive semi-radius tachyons.”
A tachyon is a particle that always moves faster than light. Many physicists believe such particles cannot exist because they are not consistent with the known laws of physics.
As noted by Einstein and others, special relativity implies that faster-than-light particles, if they existed, could be used to communicate backwards in time.

Christmas Presents For The Needy.

We’ve got your Christmas shopping sorted!    We’ve got your Christmas shopping sorted! We’re delighted to introduce  Gifts of Compassion .  ...