Friday, May 31, 2019

Anti-Semitism Was The Province of The Hard Right But Now Is Typical of The Left.

A Jewish Brexit Party candidate, the son of a Holocaust survivor, had his property daubed with a swastika earlier in this campaign in an anti-Semitic hate crime. Now it's systemic low-level violence. THIS is why Remain's 3-year anti-democracy temper tantrum is so corrosive.
Blogger: The claim from the left always starts with the restrictions on the Palestinians but never looks at the 'why'.
Treacherously invaded 4 times; subject to rocket attacks; bombs on buses; assassinations - it is little wonder that the Israelis have had to protect themselves.
Where the Israelis have done themselves no favours has been in the 'Jewish settlements on the West Bank' issue.

MLK Was Not Known For Living An Especially Godly Life But This ...


Pay Heed All Ye Anti-Democrats!

Following his victory, Mr Farage tweeted: “Never before in British politics has a party just 6 weeks old won a national election.
“If Britain does not leave the EU on October 31st, these results will be repeated at a general election."
I await the smears from the left-wing media with interest.

Hallelujah For The Southern States!

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Louisiana's 
Democratic governor signed a ban on 
abortion as early as six weeks of 
pregnancy Thursday, a move that 
puts him squarely in line with the 
leaders of other conservative Southern 
states while provoking anger from 
members of his own party.
With his signature, Gov. John Bel 
Edwards made Louisiana the 
state to enact a law prohibiting 
when a fetal heartbeat is detected, 
joining Mississippi, Kentucky, Ohio 
and Georgia. 
Alabama's gone further, outlawing virtually 
all abortions.
Louisiana's law doesn't contain exceptions
 for pregnancies from rape or incest.
The bill's signing, however, won't limit 
the state's three abortion clinics anytime 
soon. Louisiana's law takes effect only if 
the law in neighboring Mississippi, which 
was recently blocked by a judge, is 
upheld by a federal appeals court.
Edwards, a Catholic running for reelection
 this year, didn't hold a public bill signing,
 instead announcing his action through 
his office. He had repeatedly said he 
intended to sign the measure, citing his
 faith and saying his views match those 
of people in his conservative, religious 
state, who he described as "overwhelmingly 
Louisiana legislators overwhelmingly
 supported the ban, with a 79-23 House
 vote and 31-5 Senate vote. Aol.


He Has Overcome The World.

Affluence Dulls Our Walk With God.

Ravi Zacharias, Francis Chan warn US church against getting 'too comfortable'

Ravi Zacharias and Francis Chan addressed the question of whether it’s possible for American Christians — whose faith may be “dulled by affluence and comfort”— to experience God in a similar way to persecuted believers in other parts of the world.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Ultra Professional England Dispose of South Africa.

England beat the South African side with consummate ease and 104 runs in the first match of The World Cup.
The batting, the fielding, the catching and bowling all came sweetly together.

Clearly, man of the match, Ben Stokes was simply outstanding and one catch near the boundary (above) may well go down in most people's memories as the best they have ever seen.

Cannabis Use? Can We Really Be Surprised?

Regularly smoking cannabis can affect teenagers so severely that they end up three years behind their classmates in terms of brain development, a landmark study has found. Mail.

Brexit Betrayal.

"The only thing strong enough to stop them betraying Brexit again is a mass movement for democracy."
Nigel Farage.


Good Sex?

I apologise if any readers are offended by sources in any way.

One of our world’s most persistent myths is that religion is the enemy of good sex. The idea of Christians as repressed Puritan prudes—as historically inaccurate as that is—still exerts enormous power over our imaginations.
The other side of that myth is perpetuated in the glamorous portrayals in movies and TV of sexual liberation juxtaposed alongside frigid marriages. The message is clear: Faith and tradition are shackles that must be shed if we are to enjoy the kind of freedom the sexual revolution promises.
But here’s the truth: It’s a false promise—as false as the idea that religion puts a damper on sex. A sweeping new study by the Institute for Family Studies at Brigham Young University reveals that, in terms of both sexual satisfaction and relationship quality, highly religious couples fare better than the non-religious.
In their report, entitled, “The Ties that Bind: Is Faith a Global Force for Good or Ill in the Family?,” the authors looked at data from eleven countries, including the U.S., the U.K., France, Canada, and Argentina. What they found was striking: Highly religious couples “enjoy higher-quality relationships and more sexual satisfaction,” have more children on average, and are far less likely to have cheated on their spouse.
The correlation of religion with good relationships was especially pronounced among women. Those in highly religious marriages were fifty percent more likely to report being “strongly satisfied” sexually than their secular and less religious counterparts. And in a relationship quality index that took into account attachment, commitment, satisfaction, and stability, highly religious women whose husbands shared their faith were ahead of every other group.
So why are religious couples so doggone smitten? Why is religious devotion, in particular, such a powerful predictor of marital bliss? There are a couple of possible reasons.
First, as Bradford Wilcox and Lyman Stone write in The Atlantic, American young adults have been hit by two major recessions: one of happiness and the other of sex. Wilcox and Stone think the two are related. After all, as one Dartmouth study found, having sex at least once a week provides the same happiness boost as a $50,000 raise.
To be blunt, married couples get more raises. Contrary to the sitcom portrayals of marriage as the old ball-and-chain, those who say “I do” and stick with it have sex five times more often than their unmarried neighbors.
Second, another quirk the IFS report offers is that couples who regularly attend religious services—which overwhelmingly means Christian churches—enjoyed a boost in satisfaction and relationship quality regardless of whether they identified as progressive or traditional. Wilcox and his co-authors theorize that this may have to do with the strong correlation between religious observance and involved, committed fathers.
In other words, even religious husbands who think traditional gender roles are outdated still tend to stick around for their wives and kids more often than the less religious or secular. In doing so, they offer a kind of provision that goes well beyond bringing home the bacon.
Even more than that, I’d venture that religious commitment—especially Christian commitment—serves as a silent but inescapable reminder of what sex is for. In a time when meaningless encounters are pushed over on an increasingly miserable, lonely populace, religion serves as a signpost to couples that there’s meaning to sex beyond their own pleasure, beyond their own bodies. In essence, when they become “one flesh” they participate in God’s “very good” created order.
Whether I’m right about that or not, David French is certainly right as he observes that “sexual liberation has all too often brought neither sex nor liberation.” The science is clear: If you want a healthy, lasting, and yes—sexually satisfying relationship, go to the altar, and then stay in church. John Stonestreet.

"Brexiteers Did Not Win."

Buzz Degg (@Prof_Strontius)
BBC "Brexit Party Didn't Win"
(Who spilt all that turquoise blue paint over the Map?)

Proverbs 18:7.

You Want To Ensure That Brexit Does Not Happen ...

... in what way, if any, are you one whit better than all of the other anti-democratic forces across the globe who despise Western values?

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Are Christians Entitled To Be Lazy About Spreading The Gospel?

“Many Christians live their lives as though Jesus finished His work in the first century. They seem to think that being a Christian is simply accepting the finished work of Christ, going to church every Sunday to express their worship, and waiting for His second coming. No, no, no. Jesus is working today, just as He did 2,000 years ago, to accomplish His cosmic mission... Some people can grasp the idea that Jesus goes to work every day, just like we do. Or conversely, and more correctly, we go to work every day, just like Jesus does. He told His disciples, "My father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working" (John 5:17). He still is. 

 Carey Nieuwhof - (I think.)

So What Happened In Jonathan Arnott's Former Constituency?

Jonathan Arnott.
First of all, congratulations to Brian Monteith and John Tennant who will be the new Brexit Party MEPs for North East England when I leave office at the end of June. 

Having observed Labour in the European Parliament over the last 5 years, frankly their work is damaging to the North East and to the United Kingdom. I watch as they applaud the European Commission whenever they act tough with the UK in negotiations. I watch as they parrot Commission lines against the United Kingdom.

I hope and trust that Brian Monteith and John Tennant will do an excellent job. They already have: they have halved Labour's representation here. That alone is a huge boost.

Now, a few comments on this election result:

1. The Brexit Party took more than *double* the Labour vote in the North East. It's not a win. It's a landslide.

2. Remain areas had higher turnout than Leave areas. We *still* got the landslide.

3. With a projected 29 seats, it's looking likely that the Brexit Party will be the largest delegation from any nation in the European Parliament.

4. This is the worst Conservative result at a national election ever.

5. This is the worst Labour result at a national election ever.

6. Across the country, the Brexit Party vote exceeds the Labour and Conservative votes combined.

7. Much is made of the Lib Dem and Green surges. Of course, some people voted Lib Dem and Green for non-EU-related reasons - whereas everyone voting for the Brexit Party was voting for, um, Brexit. However, the Brexit Party still took more votes than the Liberal Democrats and Greens combined.

8. The Brexit party won in Wales by a very comfortable margin, taking 2 of the 4 seats. A reminder that Wales voted Leave in the referendum. When Brexit is badly described as an English phenomenon, don't forget that it is a Welsh one too.

9. The Brexit Party won even in big cities where the demographics are not traditionally favourable: it won in Birmingham, Leeds, Sheffield, Bradford and Newcastle.

10. UKIP didn't damage the Brexit Party quite as much as might have been feared. Whilst UKIP won 0 seats itself, it 'only' cost the Brexit Party a couple of seats nationally.

11. Change UK finished in 8th place nationally; not worth further comment.

12. The fact that the Conservatives did so badly, polling in single-digits in percentage terms, should concentrate their minds when it comes to the leadership election.

13. The Brexit Party won in Peterborough with over 38% of the vote. The second-placed party was Labour with 17.2%. This is interesting because there's a Parliamentary by-election in Peterborough a week on Thursday, which the Brexit Party are odds-on favourites to win.

14. Five times now (European elections 2014, General Election 2015, EU referendum 2016, General Election 2017, European elections 2019) people have voted either for Brexit or to have the referendum mandating Brexit.

We've now voted five times to Leave. Bizarrely, some are responding to this by demanding a further vote.

We've voted 5 times already. Don't make us vote a 6th time.

Jesus - Light of The World.

Forgiveness Is Hard.


If Labour Were To Win ...

If Labour wins...
I don’t want to give anyone nightmares, but just imagine there is a general election and Labour win a majority. St. Jeremy is invited to Buckingham Palace for a meeting with Queenie. She puts a dust sheet over a chair and indicates for him to sit.
"Mr Steptoe," she says, "You got more votes than any other party, you won more seats than all other parties put together. Obviously that means I will ask you to be Prime Minister and form a Labour Government."
"Thank you Mrs Windsor," says Steptoe "I look forw......"
"One moment, Mr Steptoe," says Queenie.
"Not so fast. I WILL ask you to be PM, but first I think we should put it back to the people in a second vote."
"But, Mrs Windsor, I got a majority, I should be PM NOW!"
"I am not sure people realised what they were voting for. I will ask Mrs May to stay on as PM for a couple of years, and maybe a bit longer after that, then we can have another vote, and if the people still want you, you can be PM."
"B-b-b-b But Mrs Windsor, we HAD a vote, I won! The people love me."
"Then you have nothing to worry about, Surely you will agree its democratic to ask the people again, that’s how democracy works. Why are you worried? surely if you are confident the people want you, you will win again"
"This isn’t fair, Maam."
"Well, you see Mr Steptoe, the other thing is, a few towns in Hertfordshire voted Tory, we can't ignore them. So that's agreed then, another vote in two years. Oh I forgot to mention, the ballot paper will have two choices, Conservative or LibDem." The Sun.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Nigel Farage Has Claimed That The BP Will Win The Next General Election If There's No Brexit By October 31st.

              He may possibly be right!

War Is Not Always and Inevitably Wrong!

‘War, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing.’ Really?

Not all war is wrong. Granted, war always tends to produce greater evils than those which precipitated its cause. But to argue all war is wrong just isn’t true. Christian Post.
Recently listened to the track Bombers' Moon by Mike Harding which laments the loss of WW2 pilots.
The song then goes onto lament wars built on 'politicians' lies'.
Correct me if I'm wrong - but which of our politicians wanted WW2? 
Wasn't that started by a third rate Austrian painter with a rather nasty attitude and the desire to butcher millions of people?


Normally it's catastrophic if the Conservatives or Labour get less than 25% of the vote. At the European elections, the Conservatives AND Labour got less than 25% of the vote. Smile

Teach Me, Lord.

Labour Bang On Course For A Commons Majority?

      Labour 14% - Tories 9%.


Thanks, Phil.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Disgraceful Beeb Guilty AGAIN!

Furious viewers slam BBC's 'biased' Euro election coverage that focused on Lib Dems and Greens rather than Brexit Party win - and allowed Alastair Campbell to accuse Farage of taking Russian money. Mail. 

(The Beeb had better hope Nigel never gains a parliamentary majority!)

Lib Dems.

Interesting how so many Labour voters have forgotten and forgiven the Lib Dems for the 'disaster coalition'.
It is wrongly assumed that the remaining voters for Labour will all be remainers. Far from the truth.
Millions of loyal Labour voters despise the EU just as much as I do.

You might be surprised just how many voters in the Lib Dems are not natural remainers.

Not so very long ago, I was at an election count, under a Ukip banner, and two local Lib Dem Councillors admitted to me that they were anti-EU!

Assumptions that those voting Lib/Lab, even in an EU election, are all remainers is a ridiculous assertion and was made last night under numerous guises.

(Interesting too that the BBC STILL managed to act with bias after all of the recent criticism. The balance of interviews was - er - unbalanced.

Now The Excuses From The Terminally Deluded.

"If Labour had demanded a second referendum - everything would have been different."

"Actually, 'remain' won."

"All voters were doing was punishing the Tories - Labour will recover."

"The vote just shows how unpopular Brexit really is."

I am smiling inside. To borrow a word from Ann Widdecombe - 'Nincompoops!'

Pray that these anti-democrats believe their own  propaganda. I wonder what the Peterborough by-election will bring.
We can now believe that the Brexit Party will make a genuine attempt in a General Election.


Sex-Selective Abortions, Harassing and Assaulting Pro-Lifers, and Winnie the Pooh Banned in China.

May 14, 2019

Millions of Missing Girls. A study from the University of Southampton concluded that sex-selective abortion has created a severe gender imbalance in China and India. According to WORLD, “From 1970 to 2017, sex-selective abortions resulted in about 23.1 million missing baby girls.” Demographer Lyman Stone, a research fellow with the Institute for Family Studies and the American Enterprise Institute, said, “Sex-selective abortion, as well as post-birth neglect, are prevalent in many societies. Honestly, if anything, 23 million seems a bit low.” In some parts of China, about 150 boys are born for every 100 girls born. Stefano Gennarini, director of legal studies at the Center for Family and Human Rights, told WORLD “the dearth of women has led to social problems like sex trafficking of women and girls, as well as depression, substance abuse, and suicide among unmarried men.”
Harassing Pro-Life Women. About 1,000 pro-life demonstrators gathered last Friday outside a Philadelphia Planned Parenthood location where a state representative heckled a sidewalk counselor a week earlier. Rep. Brian Sims, a Democrat, posted a video of himself following a woman on May 3 as she silently walked and prayed on the sidewalk outside the abortion center. Sims also posted a video of himself confronting three teenage girls and an adult praying outside the facility on April 18. The mother of two of the girls, Ashley Garecht, wrote a column for USA Today about the incident. “Sims not only aggressively verbally accosted three minors, he also attempted to dox them by offering a financial donation in exchange for their personal information,” she wrote. “His actions were reprehensible and entirely unbecoming of any adult male, let alone an elected official.” The rally on Friday supported the pro-lifers that Sims harassed. Among the speakers at the rally was Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood director and subject of the movie Unplanned. Also speaking were Lila Rose, founder of pro-life group Live Action, and pro-life blogger Matt Walsh.
Other Assaults. The incident in Philadelphis made national news, but it was not the only assault of pro-lifers by pro-abortion activists.  In Louisville, Ky., Janaya Alyce Gregory, 31, pleaded not guilty last week to assaulting 82-year-old Donna Durning outside an abortion facility there. Gregory allegedly threw Durning to the ground, breaking her femur.  At Western Washington University police suspect vandals intentionally set fire to a pro-life poster that promoted an upcoming talk titled “Lies Feminists Tell” by Students for Life founder Kristan Hawkins. And at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill a pro-abortion activist punched a pro-life activist with the group Created Equal. In a video that went viral, a female student approached a pro-life display. She asked a male student next to the signs, “Did y’all put these up?” When he says yes, she punches him repeatedly in the face and tells him, “You’re a terrible person.” Authorities later arrested Jillian Ward, 19, who is scheduled to stand trial in June.
China Bans Pooh-Bear. Decades ago, Hollywood would wonder whether a movie would “play in Peoria.” Today, Hollywood asks, “Will it play in Peking?” (OK, so they now call it Beijing.) China has Hollywood’s attention. The Chinese film market was about $7.9-billion in 2017, and while the US market is declining, the Chinese market is rapidly growing. So Hollywood is starting to self-censor movies to accommodate the demands of censors there. For example, producers of Bohemian Rhapsody cut parts of the movie that portrayed lead singer Freddie Mercury’s bisexuality and AIDS. Also, as part of a troubling trend toward increasing totalitarianism, China recently eliminated its State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film, and Television and placed media and entertainment censorship directly in the hands of the propaganda department. Even Winnie the Pooh has been banned in China because a popular Internet meme showed a photo of the Chinese President Xi Jinping walking with President Barack Obama juxtaposed with a photo of Winnie the Pooh and Tigger. Apparently the Chinese president didn’t like being compared to the Silly Ole Bear. The ban includes not just social media memes, but also Disney’s recent movie “Christopher Robin.”
Warren Cole Smith is the Vice-President of Mission Advancement for the Colson Center for Christian Worldview.

Brexit Party Romps Home In EU Elections.

Well. The polls were right and what a pasting Labour took across the nation, however that was nothing to what was done to the Tories.

Consolidating these votes will be extremely difficult in a General Election. The first thing to do will be to try to unite with the rump which is Ukip. Those extra votes might prove to be invaluable!
Great care in any such plan must be taken as so many of the present members of Ukip must not be allowed to pollute the Brexit Party as they did with my former party.
A major filtering process will be an essential first step.
The optimum solution for all would be the total collapse of Ukip as those votes would inevitably find their way to the BP and the toxic elements could be ignored.

From now on, it is all about momentum if NF is to be catapulted into Number 10.

John Tennant MEP.

Warmest congratulations to my Brexit Party friend John Tennant from Hartlepool who took a European seat from Labour as second candidate in the N. East where there are only three seats!
Brilliant. (Congratulations too to your mentor, Jonathan Arnott, who has worked so very hard to ensure that you snared this valuable extra seat.)

But A Vote of No Confidence & A General Election Would Bring What, Precisely? - WE Have No Idea.

A government spokeswoman in Spain said that 'a hard Brexit appears to be a reality' while Dutch PM Mark Rutte said Brussels would not give a new Tory leader a new withdrawal deal. Mail.

Trust In God ...


Brexit Party - If They Were To Win A General Election - Would They Stop Appalling Sentences Like This?

Unqualified carers Zaria Bi, 48, and Farzana Bibi, 41, were given 12-month community orders for threatening and slapping an 85-year-old woman in their care at Skipton Magistrates Court. Mail.

Perhaps these foul women were not jailed because of their gender. Maybe it was because they were from an ethnic background.
During my decade on The Bench, it was clear that many who deserved jail were not sent down for these very reasons.
Today, under a Tory government, of sorts, it seems that no wicked people are jailed at all.

My postcode is being ravaged by young burglars and hoodlums - I observed the after effects of a mega piece of vandalism this very morning on our local Asda which had seemingly been attacked by yobs with air rifles overnight.
A member of staff listed all of the many local outrages and left me shocked when he stated that the police know full well who these perpetrators are.

I must suppose it is not worth the time and trouble to take them to court.

When the vigilantism begins - as it surely will -all the liberals on crime will throw up their hands in horror and moan piteously about 'injustice'. Only then will they finally demand exemplary sentences.

In 'Fear of Their Lives', Huh? - Then, Why All The Publicity, May I Enquire?

Robin and Jack Firestone are terrified of reprisals after reporting to police they saw two dark and mysterious cars at the scene of the crash. Mail.


Sunday, May 26, 2019

Hannan & Fox, Two Tory MEPs Who Do Not Deserve To Lose Their Seats.

So this is what annihilation feels like. I don’t want to jump the gun: we won’t get the results until the early hours of Monday morning. But I can tell you now that the Conservatives have been wiped out. I don’t expect to hold my seat; and, if I have lost then so, on a uniform swing, has every Tory MEP.
To say that we might get the lowest share of the vote in our 185-year history would, at any other time, be an outré forecast. On this occasion, though, it doesn’t begin to express the extent of the cataclysm. Until now, the worst result my party has had is 25 per cent. If we get as much as a third of that this time, I’ll be pleasantly surprised.
I should stress that I haven’t seen any exit polls.... Telegraph. Dan Hannan.

Blogger: Do remember that Mr Fox is an honest remainer. He believes that the democratic will of the people must be respected.
